I am a Home Economist* who specializes in Textiles and Apparel. My teaching is focused on Textiles Science and History. My scholarship includes both research and creative aspects and is centered on craft education and sustainability. I am currently serving as the President of the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE).
Browse this site for information about my publications, videos of presentations, descriptions of courses and curricula, links to resources and much more.
*Although Home Economics has been rebranded in the US as Family and Consumer Sciences, I work with colleagues around the world and chose to use the historical and international name for a vibrant discipline for clarity and philosophical reasons
Browse this site for information about my publications, videos of presentations, descriptions of courses and curricula, links to resources and much more.
*Although Home Economics has been rebranded in the US as Family and Consumer Sciences, I work with colleagues around the world and chose to use the historical and international name for a vibrant discipline for clarity and philosophical reasons
Gwendolyn Hustvedt